What is Evil?
Are Evil people actually Misundertood people?
Are they born Evil?
How do you see an act as Evil?
How do you listen to something that is Evil?
How do you say something that is Evil?
Do you Hear no Evil?
Do you Talk no Evil?
Do you See no Evil?
Can you really do that?
What is Evil?
Evil is in the Eye of the Beholder.
An Evil act to one, might not be an Evil act to someone else.
If that was the case, are Evil people misunderstood?
Are Evil people actually Misundertood people?
Are they born Evil?
How do you see an act as Evil?
How do you listen to something that is Evil?
How do you say something that is Evil?
Do you Hear no Evil?
Do you Talk no Evil?
Do you See no Evil?
Can you really do that?
What is Evil?
Evil is in the Eye of the Beholder.
An Evil act to one, might not be an Evil act to someone else.
If that was the case, are Evil people misunderstood?